Monday, August 23, 2010

An Apple for Teacher

So, a new school year is upon us, and I am in the throes of purchasing, and waiting for the arrival of, some new curriculum.  I have tried the pure "unschooling" approach, and I find that I cannot keep up with it.  Yes, my children did a lot of stuff, but I was concerned that they weren't getting enough.  We also tried the public school-at-home approach and felt that the work load was too much.  So, I'm hoping that the curriculum I have purchased will be the balance I am looking for.

So, what did I get?  I know, I can hear you asking that question.  I have purchased Sonlight.  After much research and debate and discussion with my husband, we have decided that this curriculum is best for our family.  I like it because the reading, history and Language Arts are all intertwined.  I won't be teaching a bunch of different subjects.  Plus, there are a TON of books, and my kids are voracious readers.  I actually have threatened to ground them from reading.  Yes, it really is that bad.  I also like it because, while it is a Christian based curriculum, it also presents a secular worldview, such as creation vs evolution in the science curriculum, and teaches about other religions of the world, using materials and books from different cultures and religions.  The thing I like best about it is that, compared to other curricula, it is relatively inexpensive.  I got seven subjects (including a higher level math and writing for my older two children) for just over $1000.  The best part is that I get to split the payments over four months!  It came out to about $270 a month for me.

The other thing I am looking forward to is that our newest member of the family, a friend who is living with us for the time being, will be teaching my children some Japanese culture stuff.  I am so excited about what she will come up with for the kids!

So, here's to a new school year, and hopefully my kids will enjoy the new curriculum.  We shall see come December and January :)

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